❖ Heads up! This article is only intended for Advanced Program Managers. Advanced Program Managers are only available on Amplify sites.
While volunteers are encouraged to log their own hours, you may need to submit some on their behalf. You might also need to review, edit, approve, or decline pending hours. The good news? You can do it all easily from the Hours area of your dashboard!
Adding Hours for Volunteers
The Hours area of your dashboard is also where you can add hours for volunteers! To add hours:
1. Go to Volunteerism > Hours.
2. Click Add An Hour Entry.
3. Type the user's name in the User Lookup field and select their name from the dropdown.
4. Type the Opportunity Response in the Opportunity Response Lookup field.
5. Complete the required fields on the Hour Detail form and any other necessary fields, then click Submit Hour Entry.
If hours have already been submitted for an Opportunity, a popup will appear prompting you to review possible duplicate hours—this helps keep your data accurate!
Select Yes to confirm the hours.
Select No to cancel.
Need a break from the popup? Just check the box to hide it for 24 hours.
Adding Hours in Bulk
You can add default hours in bulk to volunteer Opportunity responses! Default hours are the number of hours listed in the Opportunity in the Hours field or Edit Shifts tab. For example, if the shift is 2 hours long, the default hours will be 2.
1. Go to Volunteerism > Responses.
2. Select the checkboxes next to the ID column for the volunteer responses where you want to apply default hours.
3. Click +Add Default Hours.
You can hide the responses that already have hours submitted. This is great for seeing who didn't attend, or who attended but forgot to log hours. Toggle the button beside Hide Responses That Have Hours to On.
Check the top box beside ID to select all.
Adding Anonymous Hours
Do you want to track hours for a volunteer who doesn't have an account on the site? You can keep track of those hours by adding anonymous hours to the Opportunity they volunteered for!
1. Go to Volunteerism > Opportunities.
2. Select the Opportunity Title you want to add anonymous hours to.
3. Scroll until you see Volunteer Hours.
4. Click Add Anonymous Hours.
5. Complete the Add Hours form and click Add Hours to finish!