β Heads up! This article is only intended for Shift Site Admins.
You can email one, or more members on your site whenever! This can be done from the Communication area or through the Members button.
How to Send an Email Blast
1. Go to Communication > Email blast.
2. Search for members by name, shift, or tag.
3. Create your email blast and click Send email when you're ready!
You can open up the Members button to see your members list.
How to Email All Members at Once
Want to email all members on your Shift site? You can!
1. Click in the Recipients field and select Everyone on my site.
2. Draft up your email with a Subject and Message.
3. Click Send email (# recipients) when you're ready.
Filtering the Recipient List
You can filter your recipient list by searching with keywords from shift titles!
1. Type a keyword in the Recipients field.
2. Select a shift that matches.
3. Select which participant filter you want to apply:
4. Click Add Members.
5. Now, you can finish drafting up your email for those users!