❖ Heads up! This article is only intended for Advanced Program Managers
As an Advanced Program Manager, you can review important information about the User Groups assigned to the Programs you manage. User Groups are a great way to categorize volunteers who share similar interests or are from the same church, school, or workplace!
User Groups can be added to an Opportunity response or your Site Manager can create them to group volunteers who share special skills or training—like doctors, skilled trades, veterinarians, etc.
A User Group is also a great way to manage discreet information about volunteers associated with court-mandated opportunities!
Advanced Program Managers can manage and update User Groups with assigned Opportunities from their Programs. They cannot create a User Group.
Managing User Groups as an Advanced Program Manager
From the User Groups area of your dashboard, you can:
See all the User Groups assigned to your Programs
Review basic information about those User Groups, including the:
User group title, ID, private description, and type
Number of User Group members
Assigned User Group leaders
Programs associated with the User Groups
Copy join or resume links for User Groups
Visit the Update User Group page for each user group
Reviewing User Groups
To review the User Groups assigned to your Programs, go to Volunteerism > User Groups.
If a User Group appears in a light gray text in the table, then its status is Inactive.
Using the Table Filter
You can filter the Manage User Groups table by clicking the Table Filter button. Check the boxes you want to appear in the table. You can always uncheck them later to remove them as needed.
You can sort your table by clicking the arrows beside each column title or filter by filling in the blank text fields to get the information you need!
Updating a User Group
If you need to update a User Group, click the title or ID from the Manage User Groups table.
From here, you can:
Download a CSV that contains a list of all the members in that User Group
Add or remove members
Add or remove User Group leaders
Assign or unassign Opportunities to the User Group
Find the Copy Join Link to share with potential User Group members
The CSV includes additional fields that do not appear in the table, including the User ID, User Domain ID, and Status
Adding Members
You can add a volunteer to a User Group, even if they aren't assigned to your Program. To add a new member:
Go to Volunteerism > User Groups and select the User Group you want to add a new member to.
Type the volunteer's email address into the Member Email field beside the Add New Member button.
Click Add New Member.
Assigning Opportunities
You can assign active Opportunities to a User Group:
Go to Volunteerism > User Groups and select the User Group you want to add an Opportunity to.
Type the active Opportunity title in the field beside the Add New Opportunity button. A dropdown appears with the available active Opportunities.
Click Add New Opportunity.
Inactive Opportunities or Pending Opportunities don't appear in the dropdown. If an Opportunity is later marked Inactive or Pending, it no longer appears in the User Group Opportunities table.