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Sharing Registration Tracks

How Amplify Site Managers share Registration Tracks

Brittany Crow avatar
Written by Brittany Crow
Updated over 2 months ago

Heads up! This article is only intended for Amplify Site Managers. Center and Sustain do not have Registration Tracks.

Do you want to share a join link with volunteers for a specific Track? You can! This is useful if you have a Track that needs to be available to only a certain group of volunteers—like community service volunteers or volunteers who are all part of the same company. Each Track has a unique join link that you can copy and share with new volunteers to register on your site within that Track.

ℹ️ So you know: Tracks with a privacy setting of Public appear on the registration page when a volunteer registers. If the Track's privacy is set to Private, you must copy the join link and share it with those you want to register on your site through that Track.

Sharing a Track

Do you want to invite people to register on your site through a specific Track? You can!

  1. Go to Volunteerism > Tracks.

  2. Select the Track Name you want to get the join link for.

  3. Click Copy Join Link and start sharing!

Invite Users to Track in Bulk

If you'd rather invite users directly to a Track, you can do so in bulk with the User Filter!

  1. Go to Volunteerism > Users.

  2. Click User Filter—apply filters to narrow down your user list to those you want to invite in bulk.

    • Want to invite all of your users to a Track? Then don't apply any filters as the default is all users on your site when you navigate to the Users area.

    • Want to invite those who have not started a Track yet or who haven't finished one? Select User Filter > Volunteer > Track Status > [Name of Track] > Status.

  3. After filtering the list, use the Select An Action dropdown to select Send Track Invite.

  4. Select which Track to invite users to and click Send Track Invite to finish.

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