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Reviewing Registration Track Data

How Amplify Site Managers review Registration Track data

Brittany Crow avatar
Written by Brittany Crow
Updated over 2 months ago

Heads up! This article is only intended for Amplify Site Managers. Center and Sustain sites do not have Registration Tracks.

Do you need to review important data about your Tracks for reporting? You can export Track data to meet your reporting needs!

Reviewing Track Data

  1. Go to Volunteerism > Users.

  2. Click User Filter.

  3. Select the Volunteer filter.

  4. Select either Track Status or Track Qualified.

  5. Make any additional necessary filter selections.

    • For example, when you select Track Status, you can select the Track you want to see data for and check if it's finished, missing qualifications, not started, etc.

    • Here's a breakdown of what the different track statuses mean:

Track Status


Track finished and qualified

The user has completed all required questions and all track qualifications have been submitted and marked Qualified.

Track finished but missing qualifications

The user has submitted all required qualifications but not all have been marked Qualified.

Track not started

The user hasn't started the track. They start a track by submitting the first step of the track—or the standard questions at registration.

Track started but not finished

The user has started the track but hasn't submitted the final step.

6. Click Submit. Now you can review the current status for the Tracks you want data for!

✏️ Quick tip: You can export this data to a CSV! Once you've applied all of the filters you want to, click Export Users from the Select An Action dropdown.

Exporting Track Data

  1. Go to Volunteerism > Tracks.

  2. Click Export.

    • Data for your active Tracks is exported to a CSV file.

Exporting User Track Data

  1. Go to Volunteerism > Tracks.

  2. Select the Volunteer Lists tab.

  3. Use the Tracks dropdown to select the Track you need.

  4. Click Export.

    • Your User Data for that Track is exported to a CSV file.

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