❖ Heads up! This article is only intended for Amplify Site Managers. Center and Sustain sites do not have Registration Tracks.
Do you want to copy a Track to save yourself some time, but assign it different steps and requirements? You can always clone it!
Cloning a Track
Go to Volunteerism > Tracks.
Select the Track Name you want to clone—it can be active or inactive.
Scroll to the bottom right of the Manage Tracks page and click Clone Track.
A warning popup appears to confirm your selection—select Yes to confirm or No to cancel.
Now you have a copy of that Track.
You can update the title and settings however you see fit!
Be sure to click Update Track to save your changes!
If the Track is Inactive when you copy it, the status for the copy is Inactive.
Be sure to update the status to active.
If you forgot to update it and don't see it in the Tracks table, click Show Inactive to find your copy.