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Creating Volunteer Needs: Agency Managers
Creating Volunteer Needs: Agency Managers

Learn how Agency Managers create volunteer Needs for their Agencies

Brittany Crow avatar
Written by Brittany Crow
Updated over a month ago

❖ Heads up! This article is only intended for Agency Managers.

Once you've finished setting up your Agency, it's time to add volunteer Needs! These are the volunteer opportunities posted to your Agency that volunteers can respond to. When a volunteer visits the site your Agency is registered with, they can search for volunteer Needs by Interest or Agency. You want your volunteer Needs to be attention-grabbing and encourage volunteer engagement.

Creating Needs

1. Go to My Agency > Needs.

  • If you manage more than one Agency, then the button is labeled My Agencies.

2. Click Add New Need.

  • This opens the Create Need page.

3. Fill out all required fields and any optional ones you want to include.

4. Click Create Need to finish.

The Create Need page

Several fields on the Create Need page allow you to personalize your volunteer Needs to promote volunteer engagement. You can include as much or as little information about your Need as you'd like! Here are a few things to keep in mind as you go:

Personalize it

You want to grab the volunteers' attention as soon as they see your listed volunteer Needs. This includes coming up with a catchy title and including enough details in your description to tell your volunteers what they can expect when volunteering with your Agency. These suggestions are here to help you make the most of your Needs—but don't be afraid to get creative or change things up depending on your organization!

  • Here are some examples to spark some inspiration:

    • If you're asking for crafty volunteers to repurpose a loved one's clothes for bereavement purposes, your tone might be more sympathetic:

    • If you're trying to hype volunteers up about an exciting 5k event, your tone might be more fun and uplifting:

  • Want to quickly make your Needs more personalized? Here are some tips:

    • Add a catchy title

    • Include a personal story in the Need description field

    • Add an image in the Need description showing the population affected by this Need—we highly recommend this if you're working with cute animals!

Think like a marketer

A lot of marketing is knowing the audience. So, know your audience as you create your Needs. Ask yourself a few questions:

  • Who's the target audience?

  • What's the end goal of this Need?

  • Who benefits from this Need and how does the volunteer's time and work contribute to this?

  • What do volunteers need to know about this volunteer Need?

  • What does the Agency want volunteers to know about this Need or the agency?

  • When does the Need happen and when do volunteers need to respond to it?

  • How many volunteers are needed?

  • Are there any safety concerns or legal considerations?

Answering these questions can help you craft an intriguing and detailed Need that grabs the attention of your intended audience!

Fields on the Create Need page

Now let's look at the different fields on the Create Need page that you'll use when setting up your awesome volunteer Needs:


The first two fields are where you can start personalizing your Need:

  • Title: Keep your Title simple but fun! Don't be afraid to throw in some puns.

  • Description: With the text editor, you can personalize your Needs in the Description field!

    • Share exactly what the volunteer role entails

    • Share your mission statement or what you hope to achieve with their contributions—i.e., what are your Agency's goals and how does this volunteer Need meet them?

    • Include fun facts about the Agency to set a personal tone

    • Break it up with bullet points and headings

    • Add images, links, tables, and more!

You can click and drag the bottom corner of the Description field to expand your view. Remember, you can always come back to make any edits if you decide you don't like the way something looks after you make it public on the site.

  • Privacy: Want to keep your Need private? Check the button beside Private under Privacy.

    • If you mark a Need as Private, you must share a link with the individuals you want to respond to it.

✏️ Quick tip: Do you have court-mandated Needs? Marking them as private is a great way to separate them from your public Needs and keep sensitive information discreet.

  • Initiative: Not all sites use Initiatives, so you may not see this option when creating a new Need.

Initiatives are an additional way for site managers to group Needs that fall into specific categories or happen during the same time of year, etc. If you have any questions about a site's initiatives, please contact the site manager for more details. They're the point of contact for everything about their site, as they are the ones managing it from behind the scenes.

Establishing Schedules

These fields let you personalize how and when your volunteer Needs occur. This is where you establish the date and times for Needs, how many volunteers you want for the Need, if volunteers can sign up as a team, and more!

  • Duration: Select when a Need happens and how often. There are six types to choose from:

Duration Type

When to Use It

Is Ongoing

Do you have a volunteer Need that doesn't have a set expiration date? Select this duration type when you have an ongoing Need where you're always looking for volunteers to perform certain tasks, like:

  • Office or clerical work

  • Donations—e.g., Sew Bereavement Blankets for Families

  • Park/Highway Clean Up

  • Pen Pals for Seniors/Veterans, etc.

Do not choose "Ongoing" as a placeholder duration when creating your need—you can't change the duration to shifts later!

Runs Until

Do you have a volunteer Need set to expire on a certain date? Runs Until is great when you know your volunteer Need occurs within a specific time frame and has a set end date. For example:

  • Donation drives, e.g., Book Drive, Coat Drive, etc.

  • Tutoring, e.g., After School English Tutors from August to May 2023.

Do not choose "Runs Until" as a placeholder duration when creating your need—you can't change the duration to shifts later!

Happens On

Select this duration type when you have volunteer Needs that occur on a specific date, like:

  • 5k events, e.g., Water Station Attendants for Puppy Pals 5k

  • Holiday events, e.g., Santa's Workshop Crew

  • Back-to-school events, e.g., Backpack Stuffers needed August 8th from 8 am to 5 pm!

Do not choose "Happens On" as a placeholder duration when creating your need—you can't change the duration to shifts later!


If you have a volunteer Need that occurs over several consecutive days, then pick this duration type! For example:

  • Camps or other week or weekend-long events

  • Holiday events that last for multiple days, e.g., Magical Elves wanted for Santa's Workshop @ the Fantasy of Trees Nov. 20-25th!

  • Workshops or retreats, etc.

Do not choose "Multi-Date" as a placeholder duration when creating your need—you can't change the duration to shifts later!

Custom Shifts

Do you have volunteer Needs that include scheduled shift work? If you need volunteers at different times on different days or different times on the same day, then pick this duration type! You can create several custom shifts to fit your Need's schedule!

  • Scoop Soup from 10 am to 2 pm on Monday or 4 pm to 7 pm.

  • Front Desk Greeter at the Museum needed, 8 am to 12 pm Monday or 2 pm to 5 pm.

Recurring Shifts

If you have a volunteer Need with scheduled shifts that repeat daily, weekly, or monthly, then select the Recurring Shifts duration type. For example:

  • English Tutors are needed every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 4 pm to 6 pm!

  • Farmstand help is needed every Saturday and Sunday from 8 am to 5 pm.

  • Capacity: This is the number of available volunteer spots for the Need. You can always change this number if you want more or fewer volunteers to fill a Need.

    • If the site manager has waitlists enabled, volunteers can opt to be added to a waitlist when a Need is full.

    • Please contact your site manager to discuss waitlists if they're disabled on the site.

  • Hours: This is how many hours the Need is estimated to last.

✏️ Quick tip: Do not put zero (0) in this field if you plan on using the Check-In Kiosk! Putting zero will stop your need from showing up in the Kiosk.

  • Hours Description: This is the specific hours the Need is scheduled for, e.g., 2 pm - 7 pm. You can also use this to say "Hours vary" or "Choose your own times!"

  • Allow Team Registration?: Want to allow volunteers to respond to a Need as a team? Be sure to check Yes here!

    • If you leave this as No, volunteers won't see an option to respond to the Need as a team.

    • If you check Teams only, individual volunteers won't be able to respond to the Need unless they do so as a team.

Additional Details

The rest of the form includes fields that allow you to establish the location of the Need, any special attributes, age restrictions, and more!

  • Attributes: Don't see a field for a piece of information you want to include? No worries! You can always add more in-depth details to the Description field. For shorter details, you can add them to the Attributes field!

    • This is a great place to add additional details like:

      • Wear clothes you don't mind getting paint on!

      • Bring a jacket.

      • We'll provide snacks and water halfway through your shift!

  • This appears, along with age requirements, if it's family-friendly or not, etc., under the Additional Details section when volunteers click on your Need.

  • Interests & Abilities: Here you select the Interests that best align with your volunteer Need! These appear to the volunteers as icons that they can hover over for more information.

    • Volunteers can filter Needs by specific Interests.

  • Additional Notification Recipient(s): Want to include someone else in the notification list when a volunteer responds to the Need? You can add them here! Be sure to enter each email on a separate line.

  • Waiver: Qualifications and waivers are created and managed by site managers. You can upload a waiver as a file for volunteers to review here.

    • If you want volunteers to electronically sign waivers before responding to your Needs, please contact your site manager to get started.

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