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The Corporate Leader Module (CLM): Site Managers
The Corporate Leader Module (CLM): Site Managers

Information for Site Managers about the Corporate Leader Module (CLM)

Brittany Crow avatar
Written by Brittany Crow
Updated this week

❖ Heads up! This article is only intended for Site Managers who are setting up and managing the Corporate Leader Module (CLM) for their site.

The Corporate Leader Module (CLM) lets you promote volunteerism within your company by providing volunteer Needs or Opportunities to your employees.

You may not have CLM available on your site. CLM is an additional paid feature. Please contact us through the chat widget from your Site Manager dashboard if you're interested in requesting this feature for your site.

The Corporate Leader Module (CLM)

The Corporate Leader Module (CLM) is a feature for companies that value volunteerism as a part of their corporate mission. This feature is great for corporate leaders wanting to create volunteer Needs specific to their employees or track employee volunteerism individually and as a group.

Site managers can create CLM user groups to:

Track and monitor employee engagement and volunteerism

Create join questions and reflection questions for reporting purposes

Add CLM user group leaders to help manage hours, Needs or Opportunities, and rosters

The CLM user group leader can:

  • Add Needs or Opportunities, Hours, and members for the group

  • Manage and review the member roster

  • Email group members

Assign Needs to individual CLM user groups

  • This is especially useful if you plan to group employees by specific skills, interests, roles, or maybe even tiers

How to create a CLM user group

When you have the CLM module on your site, you can create CLM-specific user groups. Here, we cover how you can set up your CLM user group:

  1. Go to Volunteerism > User Groups.

  2. Click Add New User Group.

  3. For Type, be sure to select CLM. This is an important step as a Standard user group does not include CLM Leader access or additional functionality.

  4. Continue setting up your CLM user group and click Create User Group when done.

Important Settings

When creating your CLM user group, there are a few important settings to consider:


This is the first field on the Create User Group form, and it can be useful when setting up your CLM user group. Let's say you want to go ahead and set up the CLM user group, but you aren't ready for it to be live on the site (i.e., where users can be added to it). You can set the status to Pending while you decide how to best configure your group.

Active: Select this if you're ready to go live with your new CLM user group. Volunteers can be added to the group or, depending on your setup, they can join the group when they join your site.

Pending: Select this if you aren't ready to go live with your new CLM user group. You can always finish setting up the group and return to set the status to Active at a later time.

Inactive: Select this option when you're ready to close or remove a user group.

Allowed Domains

Want to only allow specific email address domains to join your CLM user group? You can add them here. This means that only individuals with those allowed email address domains can join the group.

It also means that when a new user registers on your site with one of these allowed email address domains, they're automatically added to the CLM user group. Email address domain refers to what follows the @ symbol in an email address—e.g.,

Approved Hours Only

If you check this box, it means that hours submitted must have an Approved status to count toward the CLM user group. This means that if a user submits hours for the CLM user group but has a Pending or Declined status, then they won't appear for the CLM user group until they're approved.

Limit to Assigned Needs or Opportunities

Do you want volunteers to only add hours for Needs or Opportunities assigned to that user group? Check Yes beside Limit to Assigned Needs. Otherwise, check No so they can add hours for Needs or Opportunities not assigned to the user group, and they'll still count toward total hours for that user group.

Additional Settings

Additional settings include:

Public Description: This is displayed publicly in a banner for the user group. If you leave this field blank, then the user group won't have a banner.

The banner is viewable to user group members when they go to view the user group's resume.

Private Description: This is where you can add personal notes about the user group that only you or another site manager can access. This isn't displayed publicly.

Icon: This is the icon displayed in the banner if you add a public description.

Color: This is the color of the banner if you add a public description.

Text Color: This is the color of the text inside the banner if you add a public description.

Show Resume to Members: If you check No, then the CLM user group members can't access or view the user group's resume. This is handy if you have a user group dedicated to court-mandated Needs. Otherwise, check Yes to let members access and view their group's resume.

Allow members to leave User Group: If you check No, then members can't remove themselves from the user group—you would have to manually remove them.

Goal: This is an Hours goal that you set for the group members. Once you have set a goal, members are expected to achieve that number of service hours for the CLM user group.

Customizing a CLM User Group

Once you've created your CLM user group, you can start customizing it and adding members to it.

  1. Go to Volunteerism > User Groups.

  2. Select the CLM user group Title from the table.

  3. Scroll past the main settings to start adding questions and members:

Creating Join Questions

If you want to include join questions for volunteers to answer when they join the CLM user group, then:

  1. Go to the Join Questions section of the Update User Group page for the CLM user group you wish to update.

  2. Click Add Join Question.

  3. Select a Status for the question.

    • Active: An active status means the question is live for volunteers when they join the group.

    • Pending: A pending status means the question won't be live for volunteers until you change the status to Active.

  4. Choose which Type of question you want to ask.

    • Small or Large Text Fields: Select one of these options to allow volunteers to respond in a blank text box. For shorter replies, select Small Text Field. If you want to allow them to expand on their responses, select Large Text Field.

    • Dropdown: Select this option if you want to provide users with a list of possible answers from a dropdown list. They can only select one answer with this option.

    • Checkbox: Select this option if you want to provide users with a selection of possible answers that they can check off.

    • Radio Button: Select this option if you want to provide users with a list of possible answers that they can select from. They can only select one answer with this option.

    • File Upload: Select this option if you want to allow volunteers to upload a file as their response to the question.

    • When you select Dropdown, Checkbox, or Radio Button question Types, then an additional Options field appears. List the possible answers on individual lines so they display correctly to the volunteer. You can also expand the textbox field to review your answers.

  5. Write your question in the Question field.

  6. Toggle the button beside Required to On if you want to require the question or leave it Off if you want the question to be optional for them to answer.

  7. When you're done, click Save Custom Question.

Creating Reflection Questions

You can also add a Reflection Question for the user group members to answer when they submit hours for the user group.

  1. Go to the Reflection Questions section of the Update User Group page for the CLM user group you wish to update.

  2. Click Add Reflection Question.

  3. Select a Status for the question.

    • Active: An active status means the question is live for volunteers when they join the group.

    • Pending: A pending status means the question won't be live for volunteers until you change the status to Active.

  4. Choose which Type of question you want to ask.

    • Small or Large Text Fields: Select one of these options to allow volunteers to respond in a blank text box. For shorter replies, select Small Text Field. If you want to allow them to expand on their responses, select Large Text Field.

    • Dropdown: Select this option if you want to provide users with a list of possible answers from a dropdown list. They can only select one answer with this option.

    • Checkbox: Select this option if you want to provide users with a selection of possible answers that they can check off.

    • Radio Button: Select this option if you want to provide users with a list of possible answers that they can select from. They can only select one answer with this option.

    • File Upload: Select this option if you want to allow volunteers to upload a file as their response to the question.

  5. Write your question in the Question field.

  6. Toggle the button beside Required to On if you want to require the question or leave it Off if you want the question to be optional for them to answer.

  7. When you're done, click Save Custom Question.

Adding New Members to a CLM User Group

There are a few different ways volunteers can be added to a CLM user group:

  • You or someone else invites them to the CLM user group through a join link

  • You establish allowed email domains, and when users with those allowed email domains register on the site, they're automatically added to the CLM user group

  • You or another manager manually add them from the Update User Group page or their user profile

  • You can also add users to a user group in bulk with the user filter

Here, we cover how to add them from the Update User Group page and the user profile.

Updating the User Group Page

To add them from the Update User Group page:

  1. Go to Volunteerism > User Groups.

  2. Select the CLM user group Title from the table.

  3. Scroll until you see User Group Members.

  4. Start typing the user's name in the field beside Add New Member. If they're registered on the site, then they'll appear in a drop-down menu. Select the user you wish to add from the dropdown.

  5. Click Add New Member.

The User Profile

You can also directly add users to a CLM user group from their profiles.

  1. Go to Volunteerism > Users.

  2. Select or search for the user from the table.

  3. Click the User Groups tab on their profile. Here, you can see which user groups they're already a member of and add them to a user group.

  4. Use the dropdown menu to select the user group you want to add them to.

  5. Click Add User Groups to finish.

Assigning Agencies or Programs to the CLM User Group

You can assign agencies to a CLM user group. This is useful when you want to allow agency managers to add or remove users from the CLM user group.

  1. Go to Volunteerism > User Groups.

  2. Select the CLM user group Title from the table.

  3. Scroll until you see User Group Agencies.

  4. Start typing the agency name in the field beside the Add New Agency button and select the agency you wish to add from the drop-down menu.

    • The agency must have an Active status to appear in the dropdown options. Agencies with a Pending status won't appear for you to select from.

  5. Click Add New Agency to finish.

Assigning Needs or Opportunities to the CLM User Group

You can assign Needs to a CLM user group. This is a great option if you want to set up private Needs on your site that only members in the CLM user group can access and respond to.

  1. Go to Volunteerism > User Groups.

  2. Select the CLM user group Title from the table.

  3. Scroll until you see User Group Needs.

  4. Start typing the Need title in the field beside the Assign Need button and select the Need you wish to add from the dropdown menu.

  5. Click Assign Need to finish.

How to Add CLM Leaders

Do you want to assign a member as the CLM user group leader? When you make a member a CLM user group leader, they're given access to the Leader Portal. CLM user group leaders can:

  • Review and manage the CLM user group roster, including adding and removing members

  • Review and export important data about users, Need responses, hours, and more

  • Add new volunteer Needs for the group

There is a lot the CLM user group leader can do from the Leader Portal. To learn more about the Leader Portal, click here. To assign a member as a group leader:

  1. Go to Volunteerism > User Groups > select the CLM user group Title from the table.

  2. Scroll until you see User Group Members.

  3. Check the box under the Leader column for the member you wish to assign as a leader.

How to Share a CLM User Group

If you want to share a CLM user group with potential new members, you can copy the join link from the Update User Group page.

  1. Go to Volunteerism > User Groups > select the CLM user group Title from the table.

  2. Click the Copy Join Link from the top of the Update User Group page. Now you can paste the join link in email messages, social media posts, etc.

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