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How to Invite Users to Your Disaster Track

Information about Disaster Tracks for Site Managers with the Activate Disaster Dashboard enabled

Brittany Crow avatar
Written by Brittany Crow
Updated over a week ago

❖ Heads up! This article is intended for Site Managers with the Activate disaster dashboard enabled on their site.

If you have the disaster dashboard enabled on your site, then you also now have Tracks available. This is where you can copy a join link to send to potential volunteers that you want to invite to the disaster track. You can also share your disaster initiative with potential volunteers or your community to draw attention to your disaster Needs. Here, we cover how to invite volunteers to a disaster track and how to share your disaster initiative.

Inviting Volunteers to a Disaster Track

Want to invite users to complete the disaster track? You can!

  1. Go to Volunteerism > Tracks.

    • You can also access the disaster track from the disaster dashboard! Go to Disaster Dashboard > Disaster Set Up > Step 2: Review your Registration Track > Registration Track.

  2. Select the disaster track.

  3. Click the Copy Join Link button to copy the join link. Now, you can share the join link with volunteers through email, messages, etc.

Inviting Users Through the User Filter

You can also invite users to a track with the user filter:

  1. Go to Volunteerism > Users.

  2. Select the User Filter.

  3. Filter your volunteers.

  4. Once you've filtered your list, use the Select An Action dropdown to select Send Track Invite.

  5. Select the disaster track with the dropdown.

  6. Click Send Track Invite to finish.

Sharing the Disaster Initiative

Ready to start sharing your disaster initiative? You can right from your dashboard!

  1. Go to the Disaster Dashboard.

  2. Select Disaster Set Up.

  3. Under Step 4: Share your Disaster Initiative, click the Share button.

  4. Click the social media button you want to share the initiative with, or click the Copy Link button. Now you can start sharing your disaster initiative on your social media pages, or you can copy the link and share it through a spotlight, email blast, etc.

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