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User Profiles: Site Managers

Learn how Site Managers manage user profiles on their site

Brittany Crow avatar
Written by Brittany Crow
Updated over a month ago

❖ Heads up! This article is only intended for Site Managers.

Volunteers can, and are encouraged to, update and manage their accounts on your site. But you might be asked to help with their accounts sometimes. You can always access a volunteer's profile from the Users area of your dashboard. This is where you can:

  • Update their basic information, like status, name, or user role type

  • Review registration question responses or private comments

  • Update a lost or forgotten password

  • Update communication preferences, availability, etc.

  • Deactivate and anonymize the volunteer's account and more

ℹ️So you know: Some sites have language overrides in place. This means some sites have Needs in place of Opportunities, Agencies in place of Programs, or Prerequisites in place of Qualifications.

Editing a User Profile

You can update a user's profile by visiting the Users area.

  1. Go to Volunteerism > Users.

    • The options that are displayed here are dependent on your site and any language overrides your site may have active.

  2. Select the volunteer.

  3. Now you can edit their basic information, update their password, and more.

  4. Be sure to click the corresponding Update button for the section(s) you make edits to.

Once you click on a volunteer from the Manage Users page, it opens the Edit User page where you can review or update a user's:

  • Basic Information: Here, you can update their profile information, reset their password, review their answers to registration questions, etc.

  • Prerequisites/Qualifications: This displays their Prerequisite/Qualification statuses, including any waivers they signed.

  • Benchmarks: This shows any benchmarks they've received.

  • Tracks: See what Tracks they're assigned to and their progress.

    • *Tracks are only available on Amplify sites.

  • Agencies/Programs: See what Agencies/Programs they're assigned to, what Agencies/Programs they manage, and which Agencies/Programs they're a manager or facilitator for.

    • *Program Facilitators are only available on Amplify and Sustain sites.

  • Teams: You can see if the volunteer is part of a team and what Agency/Program and Need/Opportunity the team participated in.

  • User Groups: This shows if they're a member of a User Group on your site.

    • You can also add them to a User Group from here.

  • Needs/Opportunities: This displays what Needs/Opportunities they've responded to—including shift information and status, etc.

  • Schedule: This shows you a calendar view of any shifts or Needs/Opportunities the volunteer is scheduled for.

    • You can schedule them for a Need/Opportunity by clicking the blue Schedule button above the calendar.

  • Hours: This is where you can review or add volunteer hours for them.

  • Emails: Did a volunteer mention they aren't receiving emails from the site? You can check their email statuses here!

  • Files: Want to upload important documents to a user's profile? Maybe you want to keep their onboarding documentation, volunteer performance reviews, or share personalized training. Whatever the case may be, you can do it with files!

    • Files can be set to private. When a file is marked as private, the volunteer won't see it on their profile and it must be shared via a shareable link.

    • Public files can be viewed by anyone with access to the user's profile, including the user.

  • Notes: Want to add notes to a user's profile that only you, other Site Managers, and Advanced Program Managers can see? Use this tab to store those notes for quick access.

    • You can also edit or delete those notes here.

    • *Advanced Program Managers are only available on Amplify sites.

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