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Approve Prerequisites or Qualifications: Site Managers

Learn how Site Managers approve Prerequisites or Qualifications

Brittany Crow avatar
Written by Brittany Crow
Updated over a month ago

❖ Heads up! This article is only intended for Site Managers.

Does your organization offer volunteer opportunities that require waivers, age restrictions, or specialized training? Setting up Prerequisites, or Qualifications, can help ensure that volunteers meet specific requirements before responding.

Prerequisites/Qualifications are an excellent tool for matching volunteers with opportunities that align with their skills and abilities. Additionally, they can ensure volunteers review essential content on your site, such as your organization's privacy policy.

ℹ️ So you know: Some sites have language overrides in place. This means you might see Needs in place of Opportunities, Agencies in place of Programs, or Prerequisites in place of Qualifications.

Reviewing Prerequisites or Qualifications

When a volunteer submits a Prerequisite/Qualification response, you can review and approve it by navigating to Volunteerism > Prerequisites or Qualifications:

Click Approvals from the Manage Qualifications page to review the ones submitted by your volunteers:


There are six statuses to choose from on the Pending Prerequisites or Qualifications page:




This means the volunteer has met the Prerequisite/Qualification requirements and can respond to the Needs or Opportunities it is assigned to.


This is the default status for Prerequisites/Qualifications that require your approval.

Note: Volunteers can edit responses when they're Pending.

Not Qualified

This means the volunteer hasn't met the requirements for the Prerequisite/Qualification.

Note: Volunteers can't edit their responses with this status.


Use this status when a volunteer submits the wrong response to a Prerequisite/Qualification question and needs to resubmit their answer.

Note: Volunteers can edit and re-submit their responses.


This means the volunteer's Prerequisite/Qualification has expired.

Note: With this status, volunteers can edit and resubmit their responses.


This works the same as Not Qualified.


  • This status means the volunteer can't view or respond to the Need/Opportunity with the Prerequisites/Qualifications attached.

  • They also can't edit or update their response with this status.

Approving Qualifications

You can also approve or deny qualification responses from this area by selecting Qualified or Not Qualified from the dropdown menu under Status:

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