❖ Heads up! This article is only intended for Site Managers.
You can collect important information from volunteers when they submit hours for the volunteer Needs or Opportunities they've completed. You can choose from the standard questions we've provided or create custom hours questions. Here are some examples of the kinds of follow-up questions you might ask with custom hours questions:
How was your volunteer experience?
Would you like to share any images from the opportunity for us to post on our social media pages?
How likely are you to volunteer with us again?
Is there anything we can change to improve the volunteer experience with us?
ℹ️ So you know: Some sites have language overrides in place. This means you might see Needs in place of Opportunities, Agencies in place of Programs, or Prerequisites in place of Qualifications.
Please note, that there is no way to allow volunteers to backdate their hours.
Setting Up Hours Collection
To set up your Hours Collection settings:
1. Go to Settings > Hours.
2. Check the fields you want included on the Volunteer Hours Submission Form.
To enable a default field, check the box under Enabled.
To require a field, check the box under Required.
To disable a field, uncheck the box.
3. Click Save to save your changes.
4. You can stop here or continue to the next step to add custom questions.
5. To add custom hours questions, click Add Hours Question.
6. Complete the Add Custom Question form.
Status: The status of the question.
Select Active to include this question on the Volunteer Hours Submission Form immediately, Pending if you want to return later and finish setting it up, or Inactive when you are ready to remove the question from the form.
Type: This determines how the volunteer answers the question.
Small and LargeText Field: These give your volunteers a blank field to fill in with their answers to the custom question.
Dropdown: With this option, you'll provide answers that appear in a dropdown menu for volunteers to select from.
Checkbox: This one provides options with checkboxes for the volunteers to answer.
Radio Button: Similar to the checkboxes, this one provides options with buttons for volunteers to answer.
File Upload: This is particularly useful if you want to ask volunteers to upload pictures from the opportunity!
Question: Write the question how you want it to appear to the volunteer.
Options: This field only appears when you select Dropdown, Checkbox, or Radio Button question types.
Required: Toggle On to require volunteers to answer the question when submitting hours.
Show to volunteers when they log: Use the dropdown to select when the volunteer encounters the question.
Any hours entries: The question appears for any hour type they submit.
Individual hours only: The question only appears when the volunteer submits an Individual hour.
Team hour entries only: The question only appears when the volunteer submits hours for their Team.
Plus-one hours; The question only appears when the volunteer submits a plus-one hour.
7. Click Save Custom Question to finish.