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Creating Waivers: Site Managers

How Site Managers can set up waivers for volunteer Needs or Opportunities

Brittany Crow avatar
Written by Brittany Crow
Updated over 2 months ago

❖ Heads up! This article is only intended for Site Managers.

Prerequisites, Qualification, and Waivers are all requirements you can create for volunteers to respond to in order to qualify for your posted Needs or Opportunities. There are two kinds of waivers available on your site; a waiver Prerequisite, or Qualification, and a clickwrap waiver.

Both are great for qualifying volunteers and capturing important information when they register on your site or try to respond to a posted Need or Opportunity. Both also serve different purposes.

A Prerequisite or Qualification Waiver is great when you need to have volunteers review and sign important waivers, like Health Waivers, Liability Waivers, or Parent or Guardian Consent Waivers for minors wanting to volunteer with your organization.

A Clickwrap Waiver is great when you just want volunteers to quickly review a document or piece of content and check a box saying they reviewed that content and agree to any terms or conditions involved.

ℹ️ So you know: Some sites have language overrides in place. This means you might see Needs in place of Opportunities, Agencies in place of Programs, or Prerequisites in place of Qualifications.

Getting Started

Depending on your site, you will create and manage waivers from either the Prerequisites area or the Qualifications area.

  1. Have the file you wish to upload for the waiver saved and ready — .pdf or .png file types only.

  2. Go to Volunteerism > Prerequisites or Qualifications.

  3. Click Waiver Setup.

  4. Select Add New Waiver.

  5. Fill out Step 1: Details.

    Waiver Type: Select either Adult and minor, Adult Only, or Minor Only. We recommend always selecting the Adult and minor option since sites direct the user to the correct version based on their stored birthdate.

    Waiver Name: Give the waiver a relevant name, e.g., Health Waiver 2024.

    Description: This field is optional, but it can be helpful if other Site Managers access the waiver later. This information won't be shared on the front end of the site.

  6. Click Submit.

  7. Upload the .pdf or .png file you saved at the start.

  8. Add signature and date fields to the form as necessary.

    You can add date, initial, or signature fields by clicking and dragging the elements onto the waiver where it needs to be electronically signed by the volunteers.

    If you are setting up an Adult and minor or Minor only waiver, you will have to repeat this process for both the adult and minor.

  9. Click Submit Page.

  10. Click Finalize Waiver(s)

  11. Click Done.

You can create a Prerequisite or Qualification to attach this waiver to by clicking Create Prerequisite or Qualification before selecting Done.

You can now select this waiver when creating a Waiver-type Qualification.

Waiver Types

Waiver Type


Adult and minor

We recommend that you always select Adult and minor if you know you'll have both adult and minor volunteers participating with your organization.

The site asks the volunteer to enter their birthdate and directs them to the correct waiver—i.e., adult waiver or minor waiver—accordingly.

This type of waiver is great when you know your Needs or Opportunities allow for volunteers of all ages to participate.

This waiver type is the one we recommend the most to avoid missed Prerequisite or Qualification submissions for volunteer Needs or Opportunities.

Adult Only

Only select this waiver type if the Need or Opportunity has an age restriction of 18+.

This waiver type is good for Needs or Opportunities where age restrictions apply or where you know minor volunteers are not welcome to participate.

Depending on how you have set up your Prerequisites or Qualifications if a minor volunteer inputs their birthdate, then they won't be able to proceed since the waiver is set to adults only.

This can result in a missed volunteer Need or Opportunity!

Minor Only

Only select this waiver type if the Need or Opportunity has an age requirement or restriction of 17 and under.

If you have this waiver type in place and an adult volunteer inputs their birthdate, the waiver is bypassed.

This can result in a missed Prerequisite or Qualification waiver requirement!

How to set up Adult and Minor Waivers

Depending on the waiver type you select, you may encounter different steps in the setup process. Here, we cover how to set up an Adult and minor waiver type. This is the best option to use when you know your Needs or Opportunities welcome volunteers of all ages to respond.

1. On the Manage Waiver page, select the Adult and minor waiver type.

2. Name the waiver. Be sure to give your waivers specific names so that you can quickly review or edit them whenever.

3. Add a description to the waiver if applicable.

4. Click Submit.

5. Click Upload Adult Waiver.

When you click Upload Adult Waiver, you're prompted to select a .pdf file of the adult waiver. Repeat the process for the minor waiver.

6. Click Submit once you've uploaded your waivers.

7. After the files upload successfully, Assign Fields buttons appear in Step 3 on the Manage Waiver form. This is where you add date, initial, or signature fields to your waivers.

8. Click Assign Fields beside Adult Waiver.

9. Click and drag the field you want to add to the form, where you want to add it—e.g., initials, signature, or date.

10. Click Submit Page when you're done. Repeat those steps for the Minor Waiver.

  • The only difference you'll encounter when assigning fields on the minor waiver is that you can select which field is assigned to which individual—i.e., adult signature field vs. minor signature field.

  • When a minor is asked to sign an eWaiver, they are also asked to provide a valid email for a parent or guardian to review the waiver as well.

❖ Heads up! To ensure a minor's signature is valid, be sure to include the adult initials, signature, and date fields as well. This is an important step that ensures the minor's guardian agrees to their signature.

✅ Best practice: You may want to consider reviewing the forms before you click Finalize Waiver(s) by clicking Re-assign Fields. You can just click Submit Page when you're done reviewing to proceed. This is also a great option if you discover you uploaded the wrong waiver or don't like where you assigned a field on the form.

  • Once you click Finalize Waivers, you won't be able to re-assign those fields.

11. If you're happy with how your waivers are set up, you can click Finalize Waiver(s).

  • A warning pops up asking if you're sure you're ready to finalize the waivers.

  • Once you finalize the waivers, you no longer have the option to edit the uploaded documents or adjust the assigned fields you applied in Step 3.

12. Now you can attach the waiver to a Prerequisite or Qualification.

13. Click Create Prerequisite or Qualification to get started. You can also click Done, but the waiver won't be live until you attach it to a Prerequisite or Qualification. If you select Done, the waiver appears in the dropdown menu when you create a new Prerequisite or Qualification and select Waiver as the Type.

How to Set Up an Adult Only Waiver

Please note, we don't recommend setting up an Adult Only waiver unless you know your organization strictly prohibits minors from volunteering. If your organization allows minors to volunteer, then they won't be able to proceed with signing a waiver that's set to Adult Only when they input their birthday. If you know you'll have both minors and adults on your site responding to your Needs or Opportunities, then we highly recommend the Adult and minor option.

1. On the Manage Waiver page, select the Adult Only waiver type.

2. Fill out the fields and click Submit.

3. Click Upload Adult Waiver under Step 2. When you click Upload Adult Waiver, you're prompted to select a .pdf file of the adult waiver.

4. Click Submit once you've selected the .pdf file you want to upload.

5. After the file uploads successfully, an Assign Fields button appears in Step 3. This is where you add date, initial, or signature fields to your waiver. Click Assign Fields beside Adult Waiver.

6. Click and drag the field you want to add to the form, where you want to add it—e.g., initials, signature, or date.

7. Click Submit Page when you're done.

✅ Best practice: You may want to consider reviewing the form before you click Finalize Waiver(s) by clicking Re-assign Fields. You can just click Submit Page when you're done reviewing to proceed. This is also a great option if you discover you uploaded the wrong waiver or don't like where you assigned a field on the form. Once you click Finalize Waivers, you won't be able to re-assign those fields.

8. If you're happy with how your waivers are set up, you can click Finalize Waiver(s).

A warning pops up asking if you're sure you're ready to finalize the waivers. Once you finalize the waivers, you no longer have the option to edit the uploaded documents or adjust the assigned fields you applied in Step 3.

9. Now you can attach the waiver to a Prerequisite or Qualification.

10. Click Create Prerequisite or Qualification to get started. You can also click Done, but the waiver won't be live until you attach it to a Prerequisite or Qualification. If you select Done, the waiver appears in the dropdown menu when you create a new Prerequisite or Qualification and select Waiver as the Type.

How to Set Up a Minor Only Waiver

Please note, that we don't recommend setting up a Minor Only waiver unless you know you'll offer Needs that are strictly for minors to participate in or that you won't require an adult to sign a waiver to participate in. If you know you need adults to sign a waiver to participate as well, then please use the Adult and minor waiver option. This ensures that all participants submit waiver responses to fulfill Prerequisite or Qualification requirements on your site.

1. On the Manage Waiver page, select the Minor Only waiver type.

2. Fill out the form and click Submit.

3. Click Upload Minor Waiver under Step 2. When you click Upload Minor Waiver, you're prompted to select a .pdf file of the minor waiver.

4. Click Submit once you've selected the .pdf file you want to upload.

5. After the file uploads successfully, an Assign Fields button appears in Step 3. This is where you add date, initial, or signature fields to your waiver.

  • Click Assign Fields beside Minor Waiver.

6. Click and drag the field you want to add to the form, where you want to add it—e.g., initials, signature, or date.

  • When a minor is prompted to sign a waiver, they're also asked to provide a valid parent or guardian email address.

  • The parent or guardian can review the waiver.

  • If you'd like for them to sign it as well, be sure to designate a signature or initial field specifically for the adult.

  • Click Submit Page when you're done.

✅ Best practice: You may want to consider reviewing the form before you click Finalize Waiver(s) by clicking Re-assign Fields. You can just click Submit Page when you're done reviewing to proceed. This is also a great option if you discover you uploaded the wrong waiver or don't like where you assigned a field on the form. Once you click Finalize Waivers, you won't be able to re-assign those fields.

8. If you're happy with how your waivers are set up, you can click Finalize Waiver(s).

A warning pops up asking if you're sure you're ready to finalize the waivers. Once you finalize the waivers, you no longer have the option to edit the uploaded documents or adjust the assigned fields you applied in Step 3.

9. Now you can attach the waiver to a Prerequisite or Qualification. Click Create Prerequisite or Qualification to get started. You can also click Done, but the waiver won't be live until you attach it to a Prerequisite or Qualification.

If you select Done, the waiver appears in the dropdown menu when you create a new qualification and select Waiver as the Type.

Add a Clickwrap Waiver to a Need or Opportunity

You can add a Clickwrap Waiver to a Need or Opportunity when creating it, or you can edit an existing Need or Opportunity and add it then. Whichever method you choose, the option to add a Clickwrap Waiver is in the same spot on the Create Need or Opportunity form.

  1. Go to Needs or Opportunities.

  2. Select the Need or Opportunity.

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the Update Need or Opportunity form.

  4. Click Choose File and select the file you wish to upload — .doc, .docx, or .pdf file types only.

  5. Select the file from your desktop.

  6. Click Update Need or Opportunity. If adding to a new Need or Opportunity, the button is Create Need or Opportunity.

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