❖ Heads up! This article is only intended for Site Managers.
Prerequisites, Qualification, and Waivers are all requirements you can create for volunteers to respond to in order to qualify for your posted Needs or Opportunities. There are two kinds of waivers available on your site; a waiver Prerequisite, or Qualification, and a clickwrap waiver.
Both are great for qualifying volunteers and capturing important information when they register on your site or try to respond to a posted Need or Opportunity. Both also serve different purposes.
A Prerequisite or Qualification Waiver is great when you need to have volunteers review and sign important waivers, like Health Waivers, Liability Waivers, or Parent or Guardian Consent Waivers for minors wanting to volunteer with your organization.
A Clickwrap Waiver is great when you just want volunteers to quickly review a document or piece of content and check a box saying they reviewed that content and agree to any terms or conditions involved.
ℹ️ So you know: Some sites have language overrides in place. This means you might see Needs in place of Opportunities, Agencies in place of Programs, or Prerequisites in place of Qualifications.
Create a Waiver
Depending on your site, you will create and manage waivers from either the Prerequisites area or the Qualifications area.
Have the file you wish to upload for the waiver saved and ready — .pdf or .png files types only.
Go to Volunteerism > Prerequisites or Qualifications.
Click Waiver Setup.
Select Add New Waiver.
Fill out Step 1: Details.
Waiver Type: Select either Adult and minor, Adult Only, or Minor Only.
We recommend always selecting the Adult and minor option since sites direct the user to either the adult or minor version of the waiver depending on their stored birthdate.
Waiver Name: Give the waiver a relevant name, e.g., Health Waiver 2024.
Description: This field is optional, but it can be helpful if other Site Managers access the waiver later.
This information won't be shared on the front end of the site.
Click Submit.
Upload the .pdf or .png file you saved at the start.
Add signature and date fields to the form as necessary.
You can add date, initial, or signature fields by clicking and dragging the elements onto the waiver where it needs to be electronically signed by the volunteers.
If you are setting up an Adult and minor or Minor only waiver, you will have to repeat this process for both the adult and minor.
Click Submit Page.
Click Finalize Waiver(s)
Click Done.
You can create a Prerequisite or Qualification to attach this waiver to by clicking Create Prerequisite or Qualification before selecting Done.
You can now select this waiver when creating a Waiver-type Qualification.
Add a Clickwrap Waiver to a Need or Opportunity
You can add a Clickwrap Waiver to a Need or Opportunity when creating it, or you can edit an existing Need or Opportunity and add it then. Whichever method you choose, the option to add a Clickwrap Waiver is in the same spot on the Create Need or Opportunity form.
Go to Needs or Opportunities.
Select the Need or Opportunity.
Scroll to the bottom of the Update Need or Opportunity form.
Click Choose File and select the file you wish to upload — .doc, .docx, or .pdf file types only.
Select the file from your desktop.
Click Update Need or Opportunity.
If adding to a new Need or Opportunity, the button is Create Need or Opportunity.