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Product Release Notes 2015

2015 Product Release Notes

Brittany Crow avatar
Written by Brittany Crow
Updated over 2 months ago

July 2015

Version 2.2 Release Date: July 13, 2015

General: Notification Templates

We added several features to Get Connected's automated notifications. To learn more about automated notifications, and to learn more about the enhancements listed below, click here.

  • Admin Ability to Deactivate Notifications. Admins can now deactivate an automated notification if they do not want it to be sent. For example, if you don't want the Advanced Event Module's (AEM) follow-up email to go out, you can prevent it from being triggered by deactivating the notification.

  • Easier Updating of Templates. Admins can now tell whether Galaxy Digital has added or updated a notification template. Updated templates are indicated by an exclamation-point icon in the Updated column.

  • To update your template to match Galaxy Digital's latest, click the Reset button in the next column.

  • Ability to Specify a Signature Block. Admins can now customize the signature block for all automated notifications. Enter the signature under the My Signature tab for automated notifications.

General: Other

  • Social Media Following. User Dashboards now feature an area for social-media "follow us" links.

  • Map Options. If someone visits your Get Connected platform and is not logged in, they will first be taken to the landing page, which features your banner, several search options, and a "background map" below the banner.

    That background map can now be replaced with an image of the admin's choice.

  • Better Management of Bounced Emails. After logging into Get Connected, a user will be notified if system emails to their account have bounced. Prior to this enhancement, a user might assume that no email was ever sent.

  • Immediate Social Sharing. When a user fans an agency, responds to a need, or RSVPs to an event, an overlay will appear, giving them the opportunity to share their action on social media.

  • Expanded Ability to Email Get Connected Users. Admins and agency managers now have an expanded ability to email users from within Get Connected. Anywhere that an email appears on the site (such as in an agency manager's contact information, in an agency's Stats listing of need responses, or in any admin report that lists users), the email will be clickable and will open a window for reaching out to the user.

  • Ability to Collect Additional Data on Volunteer Hours. Admins can now add up to two questions to the volunteers' hours-submission form. These questions can be added under the new Hours tab in Site Settings.

Volunteer (Standard) Module


  • User Ability to View Volunteer Hours by Date Range. Users can now specify a date range when viewing their past volunteer hours.

  • User Ability To Set a Date Range on Print Version of Volunteer Résumé. Users can now specify a date range for hours to be displayed on their printed volunteer résumés. Specify the date range under My Profile, by clicking the Volunteer Resume button.

  • Option to Hide Agency Contact Information. An agency's profile page typically includes contact information (email, phone, fax, and contact person). Admins now have the option of hiding that information from the public. This option is available under the Settings tab in Site Settings.

  • Capacity Option for "Happens On" and "Runs Until" Needs. When creating a need that happens on or run until a certain date, agency managers can now specify how many volunteers are needed. The number of "Volunteer Spots Remaining" displayed decreases as new volunteers sign up.


  • Ability to Specify Time(s) of "Happens On" Needs. If a need happens on a certain day, an agency manager can specify the time of day that the need occurs. The time is displayed with the need, as shown here.

  • Ability to Filter Needs by Age Requirements. When searching for needs, users can now filter by age requirement.

  • Language Override Update. Admins can request changes to the following items in Get Connected:
    - Employee (used for "Employee Access Link" in Advanced Events)
    - Text of the Return to Our Website and Help buttons on the Dashboard


None this time.

Advanced Events Module


  • Control Over Text Color in Advanced Event Banner. An admin can now specify whether to use black or white text in the advanced event banner.

Other Modules

This round of enhancements did not include new items, updates, or fixes to the Disaster Response and Service Learning Modules (DRM and SLM).

Version 2.2 Release Date: July 13, 2015

General: Notification Templates

We added several features to Get Connected's automated notifications. To learn more about automated notifications, and to learn more about the enhancements listed below, click here.

  • Admin Ability to Deactivate Notifications. Admins can now deactivate an automated notification if they do not want it to be sent. For example, if you don't want the Advanced Event Module's (AEM) follow-up email to go out, you can prevent it from being triggered by deactivating the notification.

  • Easier Updating of Templates. Admins can now tell whether Galaxy Digital has added or updated a notification template. Updated templates are indicated by an exclamation-point icon in the Updated column.

  • To update your template to match Galaxy Digital's latest, click the Reset button in the next column.

  • Ability to Specify a Signature Block. Admins can now customize the signature block for all automated notifications. Enter the signature under the My Signature tab for automated notifications.

General: Other

  • Social Media Following. User Dashboards now feature an area for social-media "follow us" links.

  • Map Options. If someone visits your Get Connected platform and is not logged in, they will first be taken to the landing page, which features your banner, several search options, and a "background map" below the banner.

    That background map can now be replaced with an image of the admin's choice.

  • Better Management of Bounced Emails. After logging into Get Connected, a user will be notified if system emails to their account have bounced. Prior to this enhancement, a user might assume that no email was ever sent.

  • Immediate Social Sharing. When a user fans an agency, responds to a need, or RSVPs to an event, an overlay will appear, giving them the opportunity to share their action on social media.

  • Expanded Ability to Email Get Connected Users. Admins and agency managers now have an expanded ability to email users from within Get Connected. Anywhere that an email appears on the site (such as in an agency manager's contact information, in an agency's Stats listing of need responses, or in any admin report that lists users), the email will be clickable and will open a window for reaching out to the user.

  • Ability to Collect Additional Data on Volunteer Hours. Admins can now add up to two questions to the volunteers' hours-submission form. These questions can be added under the new Hours tab in Site Settings.

Volunteer (Standard) Module


  • User Ability to View Volunteer Hours by Date Range. Users can now specify a date range when viewing their past volunteer hours.

  • User Ability To Set a Date Range on Print Version of Volunteer Résumé. Users can now specify a date range for hours to be displayed on their printed volunteer résumés. Specify the date range under My Profile, by clicking the Volunteer Resume button.

  • Option to Hide Agency Contact Information. An agency's profile page typically includes contact information (email, phone, fax, and contact person). Admins now have the option of hiding that information from the public. This option is available under the Settings tab in Site Settings.

  • Capacity Option for "Happens On" and "Runs Until" Needs. When creating a need that happens on or run until a certain date, agency managers can now specify how many volunteers are needed. The number of "Volunteer Spots Remaining" displayed decreases as new volunteers sign up.


  • Ability to Specify Time(s) of "Happens On" Needs. If a need happens on a certain day, an agency manager can specify the time of day that the need occurs. The time is displayed with the need, as shown here.

  • Ability to Filter Needs by Age Requirements. When searching for needs, users can now filter by age requirement.

  • Language Override Update. Admins can request changes to the following items in Get Connected:
    - Employee (used for "Employee Access Link" in Advanced Events)
    - Text of the Return to Our Website and Help buttons on the Dashboard


None this time.

Advanced Events Module


  • Control Over Text Color in Advanced Event Banner. An admin can now specify whether to use black or white text in the advanced event banner.

Other Modules

This round of enhancements did not include new items, updates, or fixes to the Disaster Response and Service Learning Modules (DRM and SLM).

September 2015

Version 2.3 Release Date: September 16, 2015

Volunteer (Standard) Module: Updates

This round of enhancements features updates to the volunteer résumé and the utility bar.

Volunteer Résumé

The volunteer résumé has been redesigned to feature more useful information via charts, as shown below. The new format preserves the amount of data shown in the old format.

Utility Bar

The utility bar, which appears at the top of the Get Connected screen, has been streamlined to allow for dropdown boxes and to include new features. Below is the utility bar from a sample account:

In addition to the Return To Our Website, calendar, and help buttons, it includes a button for on-site donations (if this is activated on your site), a link to your site's impact page (if activated), and a notification of in-app messages.

Volunteer (Standard) Module: New Features


Sites can now accept donations through Stripe. If you set up your system to accept donations, users can be prompted to donate after performing certain actions. In addition, system managers can report on donations, and users can see their donation history.

Community Impact Areas

Site managers can now add impact areas such as Education, Income, and Health to their sites in order to group needs based on the impact volunteers will make in their community. Impact areas are a way of categorizing needs in addition to Interests. They are different in that interests focus on an individual's volunteer interests while impact areas focus on the volunteer's greater impact to the community.

Impact Pages

Site managers can now create "impact pages" that tell the community about how volunteers and nonprofits on their site are making a difference. Volunteer Impact Pages (VIPs) have highly customizable content, and graphs can be exported for easy sharing. You can design two types of VIPs: internal (visible only to logged-in users) and public (visible to anyone).

Sharing of Agencies, Needs, Events, and Advanced Events

Relationships can now be set up between Get Connected sites so that the needs, agencies, events, and advanced events of one site (called a "hub") can flow to a Campus Connect or Corporate Connect site. Managers of either the hub or the "connect site" can decide which content is passed along. Users on a Campus Connect or Corporate Connect site are only visible to the hub if they have interacted with hub content.


Get Connected has a new suite of reports for site managers of hub or connection platforms. These reports feature information about hub-connection relationships, donations, and community impact.

In-app Messaging

Get Connected is offering a new way to communicate with your system's users. "In-app messaging" allows you to send messages to users within your Get Connected system, without using email. When a user logs in and has an in-app message waiting, he or she will be notified by an icon at the top of their screen.

Note: System emails sent to users through Get Connected will be copied and sent as in-app messages.

Email Domain Restrictions.

System managers can now limit user registrations so that users with emails from a certain domain are not granted access.

New User Registration Fields.

Sites can now collect age range, household income, department, and role data from users when they open a Get Connected account. For the Department and Role fields, system managers can create a list of options that best reflects the departments and job roles within their organizations.

Required Login

Galaxy Digital staff can now edit a setting on behalf of system managers so that users are required to sign in before they can see needs, events, agencies, advanced events, or pages from the Service Learning or Disaster Response modules. To set up required logins on your platform, contact our customer care team with your request.

Default Profile Images.

If a user does not upload a profile picture, their first and last initials will be used to create a default display for them.

Standard (Volunteer) Module: Fixes

None this time.

Advanced Events Module

See above sections on sharing content.

Other Modules

This round of enhancements did not include any changes to the Disaster Response and Service Learning Modules (DRM and SLM).

November 2015

Version 2.4 Release Date: November 23, 2015

Volunteer (Standard) Module: New Features

"My Companies" Table in User Profile

Company managers working in an advanced event can now easily access their company information from their user profile. The My Companies table is displayed on the My Profile page, just below the Favorite Agencies area.

Note: The table is only displayed if the logged-in user's email is added to a company (as the company manager) and if the company is assigned to an active advanced event.

Using this table, a company manager can view his or her companies, their advanced-event dashboards, and their associated needs.

"My Teams" Tab in User Profile

Users who are team leaders or team members now have a special My Teams tab in their user profiles.

As shown above, the My Teams tab features a table listing the user's team name, the applicable need title and agency, the date the team was created, and a link to manage the team.

Note: The table is a management tool and will only be displayed if the logged-in user is a team creator or a team leader.

Ability to Close Registration on Needs

Agency managers and admins can now specify a "registration closed" date for "runs until" and "happens on" needs. For example, if a need will occur on November 7 but you want to close registration several days prior, you can now select a date after which no one can respond.

Users can still access the need information, but they will not be able to respond once the "registration closed" date occurs. The need itself will be displayed as "Closed."

This new feature is available for both standard and advanced-event needs.

Note: When the "closed" date arrives, an email will be sent to the agency manager informing that registration for their need has closed. Registration closes at 12:00 a.m. on the date entered by the agency manager.

Waivers for Standard Needs

Agency managers can now add .doc, .docx, .pdf, or .xls waivers to their standard needs in Get Connected. This new feature is located at the bottom of the need-posting form, just above the Update Need button.

This feature does not apply for advanced events, where system managers can upload a waiver for the entire advanced event.

Waiver Agreement Tracking

When a user agrees to a waiver as part of a standard or advanced-event need response, their user ID will be documented so that system managers will know if the person who acknowledged the waiver was someone other than the volunteer (such as a team manager, agency manager, site manager, or company manager). If you want to ensure that every volunteer who has responded to a need has seen and acknowledged a waiver, you now follow up with those users who have not.

In this example, we can see that Andy Hub (user #612814, purple highlight) acknowledged the waiver twice: once for himself, and once on behalf of Ella Monk. Nina Rogers (user #615763; yellow highlight) acknowledged it for herself and for four others. Another user (ID 845737) acknowledged the waiver on behalf of Chris Kisling and Kim Powell (green highlight).

Notes: The highlighting shown above is not part of the export; it was added to the image above to show which user IDs were responsible for which users.

This data is available in two exports:

  • Needs Responses (for standard needs; access by going to Manage Needs and clicking the Needs Responses tab.)

  • All Needs (for advanced events; located under the All Needs tab)

Note: To find the identify of an unnamed user, you can go to Manage Users and run a filter on the ID number.

Social Media Tracking

Get Connected now tracks the number of times the "share" button (shown below) is clicked.

In other words, you can now see how often each agency page, need page, event page, advanced-event need page is shared to social media using this button.

Note: This feature does not track the social media outlet to which the information was shared; it only tracks the initial clicking of the "share" button.

Sorting Needs by Date

Volunteers can now sort needs by the date of the need, which will allow them to see which opportunities occur nearest in the future.

When sorted this way, only "happens on" and "runs until" needs will be displayed. "Ongoing" needs will not be shown.

Notifications for Imported Users

When users are imported into Get Connected, they are now given a status of "Imported." (Previously, they automatically had a status of "Active.") You can activate users from the Manage Users area. When a user is activated, an automated notification with a password reset link is sent to them.

Note: The notification template that is sent out is titled "User Imported Message." You can edit this message as needed, as explained in our article, Automated Notification Messages.

Email Blast Alert

When an admin clicks to send an email blast, an alert now appears that indicates the number of email recipients for the message. To complete sending the message, the admin must click OK.

This message was added to help prevent admins from accidentally sending messages to too many people.

New Notifications Added

In the past, if a user responded to a need, that user was not prompted to return to to the system and enter volunteer hours. We have added two new automated notifications to remind volunteers to log their hours.

  • Reminder to Submit Hours - This notification goes to a user who has not entered hours within seven days of a need response.

  • Reminder to Submit Hours - Monthly - This notification goes to a user who, at the end of the month, still has not logged hours for a need response. This message is sent on the 28th day of each month.

Note: These messages are not sent for "Happens On" needs that have not occurred yet. Also, we will not send these messages for responses that are more than 90 days old.

Like all automated notification templates, these new templates can be edited or deactivated as desired.

Volunteer (Standard) Module: Updates

Time Frame Shown on Need Card

If a time is specified for a standard need, it will now be shown on the need card, as shown below.

New Field for Phone Extension

When registering for Get Connected or updating a user profile, you now have the option of entering a phone extension. A phone extension field has also been added for agency profiles. Phone extensions can also be imported with other user or agency contact information.

New External ID Field

User profiles in the admin panel now include an External ID field. This field can be used to keep track of student IDs or any other ID a user might have, in addition to their Get Connected user ID. Administrators can use this field for greater control over and access to user data.

This field is located near the top of the user profile in the admin panel. It is only available to site administrators; users cannot see this ID in their user profiles. External ID is included in user exports.

Note: External IDs can be imported into your Get Connected system.

Wording Changed on "Confirmed" Button

Users who wish to volunteer for a posted need must click the Respond button for that need.

Previously, this button would become a Confirmed button when clicked. To unregister from the need, a user would then have to click the Confirmed button. Some users found this confusing, so we have changed the button name from Confirmed to Unregister.

We hope that this more instructive, action-oriented button name will communicate this button's function more clearly.

Agency Manager Logging of Anonymous Hours

Admins can now allow agency managers to log volunteer hours on behalf of volunteers who do not have Get Connected user accounts. Volunteer details can be added in the Description field. Those details can be accessed later by exporting the "Volunteer Hours Logged" report (from the Reports area of the admin panel) or by exporting the "Active Need Hours" report from the Stats tab of the agency manager area.

Note: "Anonymous hours" are logged volunteer hours that are not associated with a particular user account.

Anonymous Hours were permitted in 1.0 but not in 2.0. A setting has been added to all sites so that site managers can decide if they want to allow their agencies to have the ability to log hours anonymously, or if they would rather require an email address when agencies add hours on behalf of a user.

To allow posting of anonymous hours, go to your Site Settings and select Yes under Allow Anonymous Hours.

Standard (Volunteer) Module: Fixes

Automated Notifications

The following email was not being sent as scheduled on 2.0 sites:

  • Agency Manager Removed (sent to the site manager when an agency manager is removed from an agency)

This notification has been added back to the system and will now be triggered as expected.

Advanced Events Module: New Features

We have added two new features to the Advanced Events Module (AEM).

Table for Need Responses and Hours

For a while now, system managers have been able to see tables of need response and hours when they edit a need in the back end. Those same tables now appear when editing needs in the AEM. You can find them by clicking on a need (under the All Needs tab) and scrolling to the bottom of the page.

Ability to Close Registration on Needs

Agency managers and admins can now specify a "registration closed" date for certain types of AEM needs.

Advanced Events Module: Update

Adding AEM Needs from Admin Panel

Admins can now add AEM needs from the All Needs tab; it is no longer necessary to use the Live Preview to add needs on behalf of an agency.

Advanced Events Module: Fixed

Hub Waivers Now Included on Connect Sites

Advanced-event waivers required by the hubs were not being presented to users when responding to a need through a Corporate Connect site. This problem has been fixed.

Correction to All Needs Export

Previously, if an admin exported AEM needs under the All Needs tab, responses made through Campus Connect and Corporate Connect sites were not included in the export. Connect-site data will now be displayed in the export tables.

Other Modules

Disaster Response Module

No changes this time.

Service Learning Module: New Features

Ability to Add Needs to Multiple Courses

Agency managers working in SLM can simultaneously create a need and add copies of that need to multiple courses, including multiple sections of the same course.

Ability to Clone SLM Blocks

Site managers can now clone the content of SLM blocks. Cloned courses will have a status of "Pending" by default so they can be edited before going public. To clone a block, go to Plugins > Service Learning, click to Edit the desired block, and then click Clone Block.

Note: All information in the block will be cloned except for the students enrolled in the course.

Ability to Clone SLM Courses

Site managers can now clone courses within the same block. Cloned courses will have a status of "Pending" by default so they can be edited before going public. To clone a block, go to Plugins > Service Learning, click View Courses for the applicable block, and then click Clone Block.

Professor Ability to Add/Remove Instructors

Professors can now add or remove other professors and course assistants for their courses, and they can even hand the course to another professor altogether.

Mass Approval of SLM Hours

Agency managers can now check off multiple hours and assign a status to all submitted volunteer hours at once, rather than treating each separately.

Service Learning Module: Updates and Fixes

No updates or fixes this time.

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