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Adding Users to Programs: Advanced Program Managers
Adding Users to Programs: Advanced Program Managers

How Advanced Program Managers add new users to their Programs

Brittany Crow avatar
Written by Brittany Crow
Updated over 2 weeks ago

❖ Heads up! This article is only intended for Advanced Program Managers. Advanced Program Managers are only available on Amplify sites.

Volunteers are welcome—and encouraged—to register their accounts on your site to start responding to Opportunities. That said, there might be times when a volunteer could use a little extra help getting set up. No problem! You can always add a new user to one of your Programs to help them get started.

Users can be added to your Programs in a few different ways. For example:

  • Users can be added manually by you, another Advanced Prorgam Manager, or by a Site Manager

  • Users can be added when they respond to one of your Program's posted Opportunities

  • Users can be added when they go through a Registration Track connected to your Program

ℹ️ So you know: Keep in mind that your view of a user's profile page may look different from your Site Manager's, depending on how each user has interacted with your Program. Rest assured, all users listed on your Users page are available for you to manage.

See Who's In Your Program

Before adding new users, you can check to see who is already assigned to your Program from the Users area.

1. Go to Volunteerism > Users from your dashboard.

2. All of the users listed on the Manage Users page are in your Program.

Adding Users

1. Go to Volunteerism > Users from your dashboard.

2. Click Add New User.

3. Complete the Add New User form.

4. If you're done, click Add User and Finish or you can add another by clicking Save and Add Another.

You can set a password for the new user or check Don't set a password. If you do, just be sure to have the user set up their password when they complete their profile.

You also have the option to check Send the "Invitation to complete your profile" email. It's a good idea to check this box, especially if users must complete qualifications before they can respond to your Opportunities.

Existing Users

If you know the email address that a user registered on the site with, you can add them to your Program!

1. Go to Volunteerism > Users.

2. Click Add New User.

3. Enter the email address.

4. Click Enter or select one of the other fields on the Add New User form.

5. A popup appears asking if you want to add the existing user. Confirm the user's information and click Yes.

6. Click Add User and Finish to close the window or Save and Add Another to add more users.

The Users Area

There's a lot you can do from the Users area of your dashboard! For example:

Review Basic User Information

See basic user information—like their role on the site, name, email address, the date their account was created, the date they were last updated, and their current status!




Volunteers or users who do not have a manager role

Program Facilitator

Facilitators help oversee the Program, but can't add Opportunities or make manager-level decisions about the Program

Advanced Program Manager

Advanced Program Managers manage the Programs they're assigned to, including:

  • Create Opportunities

  • Adding/Removing Users

  • Updating Program Profiles

  • Emailing Users

Site Manager

Site Managers oversee the entire site for the organization and have the highest managerial role for the site

Approving Qualification Response Submissions

If the Site Manager has set up Qualifications to be manually reviewed before they're approved, then you may see this option from your Advanced Program Manager dashboard. Or, the manager could have them set up to be automatically approved upon submission.

Emailing Volunteers

Click on a user's email address from the Manage Users page to send them a message.

If you need to send several volunteers in your Program the reset password email, you can also do that from this page! In this example, the user list is first filtered to only those who need to reset their password before the email is sent:

Scheduling Volunteers

This is also where you can schedule volunteers for Opportunities.

Volunteer Hours

This is also where you can review and approve volunteer hours. This is also dependent on how the Site Manager has set up the site. Some hours may be autoapproved while others may require manual approval.

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