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Which Notifications Do Site Managers Receive?
Which Notifications Do Site Managers Receive?

Information for Site Managers about the automated notifications they receive

Brittany Crow avatar
Written by Brittany Crow
Updated over a week ago

❖ Heads up! This article is only intended for Site Managers. Only Site Managers have access to the Notifications area of the site.

Certain actions and events on your site trigger automated notifications, which are sent directly to designated users. Some of these notifications are specifically intended for you and other Site Managers.

In this section, we’ll explore which notifications you receive and how they function.

ℹ️ So you know: Some sites have language overrides. This means you might see Needs instead of Opportunities, Agencies instead of Programs, or Prerequisites instead of Qualifications. You may also see different menu options than the ones in the examples since every site is set up differently.

Notifications for Site Managers

The automated notifications are triggered and sent to different recipient types on your site when they take certain actions or when others complete an action. For example, when you export some items on the site, you receive an Export Notification when those exports are ready for review!

You can filter automated notifications by the user recipient type!

1. Go to Communication > Notifications and type the user type in the field under Recipient.

2. Click Enter on your keyboard to filter the table!

For example, if you want to see all of the automated notifications that are sent to volunteers, type Volunteer in the recipient field and hit Enter on your keyboard:

Here are the different notifications sent to Site Managers and what they do:

Template Name

What It Does

Need Happens On Notification

Sends a notification 7 days before and one day before a Need or Opportunity is scheduled to occur.

Need Expiration Notification

Sends a notification 7 days before and on the day a Need or Opportunity expires.

Notice of Pending Items

Sends a notification to alert Site Managers of any new Agencies or Programs, Needs or Opportunities, Events, Agency or Program Updates, or Prerequisites or Qualifications that are pending approval.

Export Notification

This message accompanies exported files that are emailed from the Site Manager panel.

Note: User, response, hours, and Data Explorer report exports are the only ones emailed.​

Bounced Email Check

Sent to the primary Site Manager when a user tries to clear a bounce record for their email.

User Activation Complete

Sends a notification to Site Managers when a user activation background job is completed.

Pending Hours Notification

Notifies site managers of any pending volunteer hours awaiting their review.

Note: This is sent once a day.

Want to get notifications when a volunteer registers or unregisters for a Need or Opportunity? Add your email to the Additional Notification Recipient field in each of your Agency's or Program's profiles. If you do this, you will receive the following notifications:

  • Notification of Need Response

  • Notification of Unregistered Volunteer

  • Event RSVP Notice to Agency

  • Notification of Unregistered Event Attendee

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