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How Volunteers Add Shifts to Their Calendars

Information for Site Managers about how volunteers add shifts to their calendars

Brittany Crow avatar
Written by Brittany Crow
Updated over 2 weeks ago

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Volunteers signing up for Needs or Opportunities with Custom or Recurring shifts, or those with a Happens On duration type, can easily add shift dates, details, and links to their calendars. This option appears automatically in the "Thank You for Volunteering" pop-up.

This feature does not apply to Needs with Runs Until, Flexible, or Ongoing duration types. To add a shift to Google Calendar, the volunteer must be logged into their Google account.

The Volunteer Perspective

You can always test out these features from the volunteer perspective as necessary! When a volunteer submits their Need response, the "Thank You For Volunteering" pop-up includes a +Add to Cal link. If they respond to multiple shifts, then a link for each shift appears.

When they hover over the +Add to Cal link, a dropdown appears for them to select where they want to save that information.

You don't have to do anything to enable this option in the pop-up message. This option appears automatically for all shift-need or Happens On responses.

You can disable the message in your site settings.

Once a volunteer clicks the link, their calendar or program opens with details for that Need or Opportunity, including a link to it. In this example, they have selected to save the shift details to Google Calendar:

Once saved, the event appears in the calendar view as shown in this example of a "Week" view.

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