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Product Release Notes 2024

2024 Product Release Notes

Brittany Crow avatar
Written by Brittany Crow
Updated over a month ago

July 2024

July 2024

Updated on July 25, 2024
Published on July 1, 2024

Enhancements and Updates

Improvements to the User Groups page

We have made some changes to the User Groups page to make it more user-friendly:

  • By default, only active and pending user groups will appear in the list

  • You can now see when each user group was added/updated

  • You can now export your user groups to .csv

These changes also apply to the Blocks page for sites with the SLM and CLM modules.

Improvements to Quick Add Hours

You can now search for volunteers by name as well as email address when using the quick add hours tool:

REST API update

Our REST API now allows you to specify a date added when you add a response using the POST /responses endpoint.

Improved Registration Workflow

We have updated the registration workflow to improve clarity for new users. When a new user creates an account after responding to a need/opportunity, joining a team, user group, or track, or registering from the signup page, they'll see the next steps they'll need to take to finish what they were trying to do before creating their account:

Updates to reports

We have added the option to select an initiative when running the Opportunity Metrics report.

We've also added the opportunity address to the Responses by Initiative report:

New and Improved Text Editor

We have updated our text editor to help you personalize your site's content:

Click here to learn more about the new editor!

Bug fixes and Other Updates

Initiative/Need sharing across connected sites

Previously, if a Need belonged to an Initiative that wasn't shared with a connected site, it didn't appear on the connected site even when the Need was shared. In other words, those Needs couldn't be shared without sharing the entire Initiative they belonged to. Now, Needs will appear on the connected site even if they belong to an Initiative that isn't being shared. You can choose not to share a Need with a connected site by editing the Need and unselecting the connected site:

User profile track selection

Previously, the show all option in the site manager view of the user profile was showing all custom and standard questions, even if those questions weren't assigned to any tracks.

Now, you have the option to see all questions that are assigned to any track, look at a specific track, or show all available questions, including those that are not assigned to a track.

August 2024

August 2024

Updated on September 10, 2024
Published on August 21, 2024


Need addresses now support GPS coordinates

In order to enhance the experience for our customers organizing volunteer opportunities in outdoor settings such as trailheads, we have incorporated GPS coordinates into the need address field. This feature allows Google Maps to accurately pinpoint the exact location for volunteers:

Custom registration questions now appear in their own column in the user export.

Previously, custom registration questions and answers were all concatenated into a single cell in the user export. Now, each question is in its own column, making your user data easier to read and report on:

New user schedule management options

When removing user responses from the Scheduling page, you can now choose whether to remove all the user's responses, or just those that are for future shifts:

Search user group members

The user group members table now supports searching for name and email address, making it simple to find the members you're looking for:

Condensed shift options in volunteer time tracking page

Previously, volunteers would see every need and shift they had ever signed up for when logging their hours. To help streamline the volunteer experience, we have limited the needs and shifts they can see to those that happened in the last 90 days, as well as ongoing needs. Volunteers can no longer log hours toward shifts that haven't happened yet, and they will no longer see their entire shift history in the dropdown:

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