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Teams are a great way for volunteers to participate in your agency's Needs with friends or family. You can enable team registration for Needs when you create them. With team registration enabled, volunteers can respond to a Need as a team and then manage the team themselves.
Enabling Team Registration for Needs
You can enable team registration when creating new Needs or updating an existing one.
1. Go to Needs.
2. Select the Need you wish to update from the table under Manage Needs.
Or click Edit under the Need in the table—both take you to the Update Need page.
3. Look for Allow Team Registration? on the form.
4. Check Yes to enable team registration.
Check No to disable team registration.
Check Teams only if you want volunteers responding to the Need as a team. Individuals won't be able to respond to the Need unless they create a team in response to the Need.
5. Be sure to click Update Need to save your changes.
The process of enabling team registration for a new Need is the same. Just select whether or not you wish to allow team registration as you're creating it. The default setting is No.
Disabling Team Registration for Needs
Want to disable team registration for an existing Need? You can by updating the Need at any time!
1. Go to Needs from your agency manager dashboard.
2. Select the Need you wish to update from the table under Manage Needs. Or click Edit under the Need in the table—both take you to the Update Need page.
3. Look for Allow Team Registration? on the form.
4. Check No to disable team registration.
5. Be sure to click Update Need to save your changes.
When you require a background check for a Need, the option to enable teams goes away. The Require Background Check? field is only available when your Site Manager has set up Sterling Volunteers for the site.
Checking for Team Responses
Once a team has responded to one of your Agency's Needs, you can then see who has responded to it and their team name. There are a few ways to do this:
Needs Area
You can see team responses for your Needs from the Needs area.
1. Go to Needs and click Responses under the Need you want to review.
2. Use the Table Filter to toggle on or off the Team column.
If it's a team response, then the team's name appears in that column for that response.
You can export an individual Need's responses to a CSV—which also displays the team name.
Export Options
Want to export your Need responses to a CSV that includes the team name? You can right from the Needs area.
1. Go to Needs and check the boxes for each Need you want to export responses for.
2. Click Export Responses when you're ready.
3. A window pops up asking for the email you wish to send the CSV export to. This should automatically default with the email you're signed in with; however, you can always change who you want as the recipient.
4. Click Email Export when you're ready. An email is sent when the export is ready to download.
Schedule Area
You can also quickly determine if a Need has a team response from the Schedule area.
1. Go to your Schedule area.
2. Click the User Responses tab.
3. A team response appears with a special icon—two people.
Individual responses appear with a person icon.
4. Hover over an individual's name to see the team name and Need details.
You can export your user responses from here to a CSV that also displays the team name.
You can also click View More and then toggle the Team column on or off with the Table Filter.
Time Tracking Area
Want to see which submitted volunteer hours are associated with a team? You can from the Time Tracking area.
1. Go to your Time Tracking area.
2. Use the Table Filter to toggle on or off the Team column.
3. If a volunteer hour was submitted for a team, then the team name appears under the Team column for that hour entry.