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Agency Data: Site Managers

How Center Site Managers manage Agency data

Brittany Crow avatar
Written by Brittany Crow
Updated over a month ago

❖ Heads up! This article is only intended for Center Site Managers.

If your site is switching from another volunteer management system, you probably already have a database of participating Agencies. If you want your Agencies imported into our system or if you want to import the data yourself, contact us using the chat widget in your Site Manager dashboard for the next steps.

At a minimum, your Agency-importing spreadsheet needs to include the following columns:

  • Agency name

  • Agency Manager's first name

  • Agency Manager's last name

Exporting Agency Data

You can export various types of Agency data into a spreadsheet. This can be done from your Reports area or the Agencies area.

Export Data for All Agencies

  1. Go to Volunteerism > Agencies.

  2. Click Export All Agencies to download this data to a .CSV.

Export Specific Agency Data

To export specific Agency data, visit the Reports area of your site where you can pick and choose from a variety of reports tailored to meet your reporting needs!

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