Once you start submitting hours for volunteer Needs or Opportunities, you can keep track of your contributions with your volunteer resume. You can use this for service learning, corporate engagement, celebrating your accomplishments, and more.
ℹ️ So you know: Some sites have language overrides in place. This means you might see Needs in place of Opportunities, Agencies in place of Programs, or Prerequisites in place of Qualifications.
Access Your Resume
You can access your volunteer resume right from your volunteer dashboard or from the View Profile area.
Click View your full Volunteer Resume located under the Hours by Interest graph.
Select the Start and End dates, then click Go.
What's on the Resume
Area | Description |
Snapshot | Shows the total number of volunteer hours—approved and pending—the impact value, the number of Need/Opportunity responses, the number of event RSVPs, and the number of fanned Agencies.
*Not all of these will be included on every site
Volunteer Hours by Month | Graph showing volunteer hours for the past six months.
Volunteer Hours by Interest | Shows the top interests assigned to the Needs with the most hours for the volunteer. The interests shown in the graph do no necessarily reflect the interests specified in the volunteer's profile.
*Not all sites have Interests available.
Need/Opportunity Responses by Primary Interest | A doughnut graph showing the primary interests selected for the Needs the volunteer responded to.
*Not all sites have Interests available.
Benchmarks | Here's where you can review any benchmarks you've reached.
Volunteer Hours | This table lists the date volunteered, the name or description of the Need/Opportunity, the hours submitted, the miles traveled, the Need/Opportunity type, and the status of the hours—approved or pending.